Magical Andy
Andy's Comedy Fun and Magic Show is a Masterpiece in Children's Entertainment. Andy has been in this trade since 1990.
Andy’s Kids Magic Shows emphasize on Fun, Participation & Interaction! The magic is not too serious – actually it is not serious at all! Combining Magic, Comedy and Balloon Modeling, a party with Andy is always a blast!
Andy offers several packages for your kid's birthday party, play group or pre-school, school party or any other event where the youngsters need some magical entertainment.
Andy’s Kids Magic Shows emphasize on Fun, Participation & Interaction! The magic is not too serious – actually it is not serious at all! Combining Magic, Comedy and Balloon Modeling, a party with Andy is always a blast!
Andy offers several packages for your kid's birthday party, play group or pre-school, school party or any other event where the youngsters need some magical entertainment.